Monday, July 13, 2015

Bento Diary

So about a month ago, I have decided to start a mini project for myself, called the "Bento 101". 

My initial intention was just to save some money (because GST is making everyone's life a bit more difficult), stay more nutritious and sometimes to de-stress. 

Before starting clinical school I didn't know much about cooking. Over the last 2 years in Seremban, undeniably I think, staying away from home has made me acquire some new cooking skills, but to cook for leisure and to cook daily within limited time, is very different. 

On my first week of bento making, it took me more than 40 minutes to prepare the ingredients the night before and to cook the next day morning, respectively. I will cook something that I am familiar with, something I have tried and cooked before and will not fail. 

But then the second week arrived, when I ran out of "used-to" recipes, I began searching online, watching videos on how other people cook and then create my own combinations of recipe. Surprising i didn't really fail in any particular dish! 

Over the next few weeks, things are getting better and I enjoyed my cooking and my bento very much. Needless to worry about what to eat, how much I will be spending, and the amount time spent eating out, I think I became happier and a little more satisfied with my life here. 

Today marked the last day of my bento making, as we all will be leaving Batu Pahat in just a couple of days. I would say it has become my habit to make daily bentos, and to also cooked extra food for my housemates, and literally forced them to eat, and they will still finish the dishes every single time. (Awwwww) Just when I thought I am getting used to all of this, we are leaving, and I feel sad sometimes. I think I am going to miss this cooking habit and more so, these people. 

Bentos have taught me to be discipline, be innovative and be kind to share. This is just my personal experience. I hope to inspire all of you to do something you enjoy even though life seems to be really busy. And when you think life is boring and aimless, start a new project! Even the slightest effort counts, and with persistence you will end up somewhere further than you believe. 

Good luck to everyone for your exam preparations. Don't forget to eat and stay healthy! Get enough rest and be in your best shape! 


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